Thursday, 1 January 2015

My Bucket List!

My Bucket List. So I have picked out ten things I would love to do in my life.
Here it goes.

1. Visit Times Square
2. Visit the Eiffel Tower, bridge of locks and disneyland in Paris
3. See a shooting star
4. Have a clothing store in London
5. Get rid of my fear of heights
6. See the Northern Lights
7. Send a message in a bottle
8. Throw a dart at a map and visit wherever it lands on
9. Ride a horse
10. Try to be a vegetarian for a month

That was my bucket list, looking at it I probably only be able to do Number 2,7,9 and 10.
What is your bucket list?

Comment Below and share please

Girl Online, going offline

1 comment:

  1. Hi Please check out ZOELLAS Hairstyles on youtube. She does lots of tutorials for quick and easy or back to school.
